Monday, February 12, 2007

Riley's story continues...

This is about Riley from The Sims Life Stories

So after all the drama:

Riley married Mickey and gave birth to her first child. A son named Peter

But the story didn't end there...

Riley, Mickey and Peter packed up there bags and moved to a new home. (living in her Aunt's home just didn't work for her)

A spacious Two story home On 12 Hyacinth Circle.

At first everything was going well. Riley was advancing in her Entertainment career. Mickey was moving up the career ladder too. With Riley's career going so well, she decided to have a make over. She cut her long red hair into a trendy style and added a few blond highlights.

Riley couldn't be happier and Mickey seemed like the perfect father...

But on his days off, He would invite over his co-worker Ashley Sinclair. They always had a secret attraction going on, but Mickey tried to curb his desires.

Ashley was bad news.. And Mickey couldn't resist. With a Romance Aspiration, he was inclined to act on these emotions...

But Ashley always left before Riley returned home from work.

Riley sensed that Mickey was acting distant. He went to bed early without even talking to her. he didn't cuddle with her at night.

Then one morning, Riley received a call from Dylan Kincaid

Her first response was to hang up on him.

"Why are you calling me?!" She demanded.

He explained that he was released from Prison and back in town. He said he felt remorse for all that he had done and his time in Jail allowed him to reflect on his life. He realized that the only good thing in it was HER.

He knew it would take time for her to forgive him or understand. He just asked for her to let him come over to talk and explain. She said she would think about it.

and hung up.


Mickey's affair with Ashley was getting more and more intense. They were now meeting outside at night while Riley was busy with their son. Mickey was obsessed and utterly overwhelmed with Ashley. It was all he thought about... all day long...

Riley felt lonely and lost. Mickey wasn't talking to her at all anymore. The distance between them grew larger every passing day.

She called Up Dylan and invited him over.

When he arrived she jumped in his familiar arms and he gave her a tight hug.

Even thought she knew he was criminally inclined and troubled... She felt comfortable in his arms. People make mistakes. People can change. They talked for hours that night.

And for days afterwards they would meet and just talk. He explained everything and she listened. She had to hide it from Mickey. He would never approve of their friendship...

Riley and Dylan tried to deny the feelings they still had for eachother after all these years and despite everything. And then it happened...

They kissed.

And Mickey walked into the kitchen..

It got ugly.

He started yelling at her. "How could you do this?! How could you cheat on me with this degenerate CRIMINAL?! What is wrong with you?! How could you even bring this man into our home?!"

Then the abuse started. Mickey slapped her over and over across her face.

Dylan was horrified.

Riley burst into tears of shame and confusion. All of this was happening in front of their Nanny and their son. She was utterly distraught and broken.

Mickey and Dylan had a face off. The two men began fighting in a cloud of dust.

Mickey ended up on the ground in a heap. He lifted himself off the ground and left the room in a huff.

At that point... Riley realized who she was really meant to be with...

Dylan Kincaid

Dylan invited Riley to his house and asked her to move in with him.

Riley knew that she would lose most of her money and luxuries. It was a big decision but she needed to follow her heart. Money can't buy happiness.

Riley and her son, Peter moved in with Dylan..

Peter embraced his new father while Riley watched on the sidelines.

She knew Dylan would make a good father.

She knew that this was his chance to start over and set things right. It was a new beginning..

For all of them.

Now Riley is pregnant with her second child.

This one is Dylan's...

They all couldn't be happier..

The Kincaid family living together on 24 Hyacinth Circle.

To be continued...

(this is for my sister... hope you liked it.)


Unknown said...

Hey Clarity! Very nice story. You should share this with the people in SimsStoriesStuff group. I know they would love to read it!! Most of them are blog-junkies!

ramarazi1 said...

AMAZING! i love your story

Shellie said...

I loved your story. In mine Riley had twins a girl Michaela and a boy Mickey Jr. Though I had Mickey and Ashley get together behind their spouses back and she's pregnant for him.

Anonymous said...

I just bought it on amazon and its coming monday i am soooooooo excited! That was a GREAT story! Nice work i wonder if Riley is going 2 have a girl in mine.

Anonymous said...

Good job Clarity! Enjoyed "Riley's continuing story"... Have you put 2 and 2 together yet about Sherman Boggle, in Vincent's Story?

cj said...

IT WAS AWSESOME!!!! I love it!

I can't wait untill the second part of it...

moreheadstgirl said...

mine ended after they had their kid which was kind of a let down... I couldn't get mine to allow them to move, or to even change anything in their home... how did you get yours??

L3W1S said...

This is amazing and i can't wait 4 more. btw the sims life stories, by 2 and 2 together do u mean the thign that happens at the end was cuz of him. (i don't want to just blurt it out)

myinterests said...

I had Mickey and Riley have a similar adventure: you can read it here I had fun with torturing Mickey! LOL!

myst said...

Great Story! Can't wait to read more. :)

Unknown said...

I just got this today and am having tons of fun. Thanks for sharing your continuing story of Riley, Dylan and Mickey. I can see I have a lot to discover yet.

Paul said...

On my riley story... dylan showed up at the workout place.. dylan and mickey fought. and dylan started coming over to riley's (aunt's) house and wouldn't leave. Mine story isn't advancing after I accidently let riley fix some food and left it on the counter too long.. dylan ate it after it turned green and is constantly puking and won't stopped. Now.. It's in that mode where in her wants it says to buy this or buy that and she has no money and he keeps puking.. Any suggestions how I can get this story to advance. I sold stuff in her aunt's house to get the wants now.. it seems to keep going in circles.. ??????

Paul said...

never mind.. it just advanced.. sigh.. glad.. can't wait to see what happens next.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it....I played the story, and Riley and Mickey got married and then had a little girl (which I named Jenny), and then after that, the bulid mode opened. So is that the end of the story created for the game?? or did i do something wrong, cuz it stopped suggesting stuff that i had to do.

Paul said...

Hey.. yup that was the end of the story. In mine.. the story ended shortly after Mickey and Riley got married, got pregnant and had a baby boy which I named Mickey Jr. I'm eventually gonna move them out of the house that Aunt Sharon gave them. It's so small. They deserve a nice big home. Since they both are successful at their jobs. :) oh btw.. that old boyfriend of riley's.. is in prison. He had kidnapped aunt sharon and wanted her to sign all of her belongs to him. He got caught. na-na-na-na-na....

Tamossa said...

Good story! I had Riley marry and have a Son with Mickey, named Jimmy. Both Riley and Mickey reached top levels in their jobs. I had Mickey start a new career. Jimmy is a teen now and Riley is pregnant with a new child. I was hoping Jimmy would leave home to goto school, but this version doesn't do that. *sigh* So looks like I may have to move them now into a bigger house. Oh About Jimmy. He's like a superkid. Has all his logic, Mech., and Art skills. Gonna be a know it all. Mickey is now a cop and Riley is still a Mogul. Hoping the baby to be is a girl this time.

Tamossa said...

*sigh* Another boy... Named him Lestat. ...Don't ask. LOL

So far... Mickey and Riley have drank the life potion for more life, so that Mickey can finish reaching the top of his 2nd career. One more to go on his and he's got it. I said he was a cop... Sorry that was a mistake, he's a chef. Jimmy is almost an adult and Lestat a kid. Haven't decided yet what to do with Lestat and his life yet, but Jimmy I think will deal with Science. Oh and instead of moving them out of that house, I made an apartment on the 2nd floor for Jimmy. He might live there forever... *shrug*

Paul said...

I can find the high chair.. I looked everywhere for it.. sigh.. stupid question.. but.. where can I find the high chair??? I know.. I know.. It's probably there right in front of me.. *crosses eyes*

Tamossa said...

They prolly didn't add the high chair in this version, cause well... It's sorta useless. You can take care of your babies without it. I raised two boys without it. Which brings me to why I'm here... Jimmy has every bubble filled, knows all. It's time to get out of the house, get a job and a life. Lestat is a teen who is very creative and can sorta cook, who just wants a family and maybe be famous like his Mom. Mickey has reached the top of his 2nd career again and this time is ready to retire and grow old with his wife. She too is ready and waiting for Grand Babies. Looking forward to her Sons to get married and getting out of the house. And altho, Lestat hasn't met anyone yet, Jimmy has... The blonde that Mickey secretly has the hots for. Jimmy has landed her and wants her as his wife. Problem is, isn't she already married? The plot thickens...

Paul said...

Well.. Riley had her second child, but in my story she had a girl; which I named her Amber Moon. She's got black hair like her mommy. She's a toddler now. And Mickey Jr. is getting ready to become a teenager. :D Mickey cheated on Riley but never got caught. He cheated on her with the old man's young wife. He better not push his luck.. He's got it good.. Mr. Man.. Mauhahahaha!

TinkDiva said...

I just purchanced the game I cant wait to play it

LJSupafly said...

Wow how do you do that? I can't move the story forward after she had the kid. Any pointers on how to get started?

L3W1S said...

well clikc rileys story, find there house on the sort of map, then you carry on from there. alos Tamossa, your stories sound interesting, but this thread is for Clarity and her story not yours. maybe you should start your own. belive me used to do this on a diff website, its not good.

Paul said...

this story is for everyone who wants to tell how theirs is going. I find it all very interesting to hear everyone's "Riley" story.

Riley Mae said...

Hey. Riley I love your story so what happened next did Riley have the baby and how did Riley and Dylan's realtionship end out

Tamossa said...

L3W1S, Your the only one to say anything, and really I'm not here to bother anyone. Everyone has voiced what they are doing and I'm no different here. So if you don't like what I'm posting, then don't read what I post.
Now as for where I left off... The old man married to that young blonde. Well he caught Jimmy and her making out and ended his marriage with her. That old man ended up marrying Riley's best friend and taking her and her daughter in to live with him. Mickey is now an elder and has retired. Jimmy moved out and got a new house and ended up marrying the blonde with his Mom and Dad to watch. The blonde now has one on the way with Jimmy. And I saved the game and haven't yet played since then. Since my closest friend name Jim is who I named Jimmy after... he says I should make the blonde have a couple of kids and even selected a couple names for a girl and a boy. Star for the girl and Sam for the boy. We'll see...
Now if my posting here bothers anyone else or Clarity... then send me a private message and let me know. Mostly if it bothers Clarity. Thank you! =)

Wati said...

hm i heard this game can play on laptop but i not sure if it work out on Ibook those Mac brand ..

Tamossa said...

Ok, I only played Jimmy andhi household yesterday. Found out you can't have anymore than 4 people in a household. I got lucky yesterday too. The blonde - Ashley... Had a girl - Star, and a boy - Sam. Looks like my friend Jim got his wish. Also Ashley is getting to do her dream job too. Jimmy is just about at the top of his. I think today I will go back to the Jimmy's Mom and Dad's house and raise Lestat and get him married and start his life off. I want to marry him off to a black girl. I think that would be cool! Have a couple of kids. before ya know it, it'll be the kid's chapter in this story.

Tamossa said...

Let's see... Remember Riley's Aunt? Well I had to actually go play her today and catch her age up with the story I have set forth. So anyway, she grew old gracefully and then the next day after her birthday, she died from a swimming pool accident. Her ghost now rests at that house.
Back at Riley's house... Lestat had his first kiss and has a go steady girlfriend, (black of course). His Dad noticing his taste in women decided to introduce him to a woman he's knows (black) named Crystal. Real pretty lady. Mickey trying to keep his intentions on the down low, doesn't tell Lestat why he's introduced him to her and Lestat doesn't ask. They become good friends right off the bat! Riley grew old gracefully and has now retired from her famous job and is happy to be at home all day with her retired Hubby, but I don't think that will last for long. She's already looking for something work wise to do...

Clarity: 365 days said...

Hi Everyone!

Thank you so much for all your comments and feedback on my story! I was surprised to discover that my humble little blog was featured on the official Sims Life stories website. That made my day.

I loved reading all of your responses and many thanks to everyone that is sharing their own Sims story. It's so much fun to discover what other people are doing with their Riley character and how their own stories are unfolding.

Keep them coming! I look forward to reading more. I changed the setting on my comments section. Now it is open to everyone regardless of whether you have a google account or not. Feel free to discuss any Sims Lifestories related topics here and answer eachother's questions. I'll continue dropping in and update on part 2 soon.


Anonymous said...

Loved the story it was great.

Anonymous said...

hey tamossa i know this is clarity's site but your story is intresting please post more oh and clarity excellent story

Anonymous said...

oh and tamossa please dont tell me riley died and left jimmy and lestat(weird name)

SimsAddiction said...

Hi Im new Im having some trouble everytime I play the game a Huge Blue screen comes up windows is shutting down Blah Blah Blah. Also How do you take Pictres in this game? Im pritty far because I have saved my game lots here is harrlows story. I Cant get over Mikey Shure he broke up with me and was being a real jerk. I still think we have something. He has forgivin me thats a start. he seems to want a relationship. AM I CRAZY THIS GUY IS MARRIED!!! He married That WITCH! Or did he. There is this Guy who keeps calling who is he? seems to know me But dang is he FUGLY!And where is My Aunt she still is doing what ever

SimsAddiction said...

Ok I Found out what happened to my aunt. she was kidnapped it was dylan and agora!GASP!! Dyllan got arrested I Stoped the wedding. and agora attacked me. she attacked the cop who arrested her! and then mikey pops the question we get married right there. then my aunt gives us the house we want a baby.

Anonymous said...

simsaddiction, everyone knows if u want 2 take pictures u use the stinkin camera button on the left side of the bar!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!! :-) and if u r wondering how to make videos u press the video camera button next to the camera button just
in case u can't figure that out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tamossa said...

Wow... Thanks! I never said Riley died...?? I said Riley's Aunt died. Riley is still alive and well, but just old now.
And I think I screwed up. Lestat, who I wanted to raise to adult... I kept making him drink the life potion. Hoping if he drank it in a room when he was alone, he would grow older. NOPE! Now he's like the real Lestat I named him after and seems to be forever a teenager with immortality. *sigh* (Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice; a fav char. of mine.) So I'm thinking of leaving him be for now and going back later to Jimmy's household and raising his kids and doing what I want with them. But it'll have to be tomorrow. I'm feeling a bit of a burn out on the game. It takes hours to get a paragraph worth of stuff here.
You can read an update on my Sims too on my MySpace. And if you request me as a friend, send me a message along with it, letting me know your from here or something to do with Sims. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That's like ALMOST exactly what happed to me! Freaky. And when will sims stories get a REAL site?

Clarity: 365 days said...

To Simsaddiction - Lifestories doesn't have a camera function in the photo album like Sims 2. It's one thing that I found really disappointing about this new game. I wish they had kept that.

So in order to get a screenshot from the game, you have to Press the PRINT SCREEN button, close the Sims Window and paste the image onto something. It's a bit of a pain, but that's how I got the images for this blog.

Tamossa - I really like reading your Riley story and hearing how the characters progress. (I love the name Lestat too!) Do you have any screenshots to share? It would be cool to see what Lestat looks like!

Anonymous - I agree, I'm also wondering the same thing. When is Lifestories is going to get a bulletin board forum going. A place where we can write about the game and discuss things? An official site. It sucks that we don't have that, yet!

Btw - Does anyone know if you can download custom content from SIMS 2 into Sims Life stories and HOW would I do it?

Tamossa said...

Sorry. When I saw there was no camra thingy on there to work, I never bother to do the print screan thing. Lazy I guess on my part. But I can take one here later when I play. Thanks!

Tamossa said...

Just copy and paste the pic URL.

Today I played Jimmy's household. Did you know Ashley is 3 days older than him? So she aged into an elder first and the very next day she reached the top of her career too. Then Jimmy aged into an elder and retired from his Science career. Ashley went back for one more day of her job before retiring. Two days after Jimmy aged, his Daughter Star became an adult. Before that tho... Star was a very flirty teenager. Like her Uncle Lestat, she too liked black people, and had her first kiss with a boy named Andrew Zaidi. They also went steady. One day while she was at the park her Father took her and her Bother to, she met a black man named Keats Margison. She fell hed over hills for and knew one day she would marry him. So she stayed intouch with him. Over time they were very close friends. After she became an adult, she invited him over and the romance was on! She even went so far as to land him in her Parent's bed. Anyway, they got engaged and she moved out into her own house. He moved in with her and they married. He took on her name. Now with one on they way, she is about to find out not all is well in their marry lil paradise. Seems Keats has a tenage Son he left behind. His Son isn't planning to b forgot about neither. How will they end up when all come together at last? To be continued...

(Sam, Star's Brother is a teenager and I have not yet decided what to do with him. Maybe leave him in his Parent's house. He wants to join the Army, so... I may let him and grow up alone.)

Tamossa said...

the rest of that pic URL is: LestatSim.jpg

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i was wondering how to get the vincents story to work mine wont i already beat riley!

Anonymous said...

really good story!! when is the number 2 gonna come out?

SimsAddictions said...

My story Is Riley and Mikey Grow older. Here is there story.Riley is so happy she has melody Mikey wont let her go!with Riley hectic schedule. Mikey takes night Time baby dutys with some help from the nannys.I cant seem to figure out how to take a pic in this game sorry. Riley is realy the over achiever she soons gets a top notch job as an actress then a director. as Little Melody grows up
Riley soon sees they need a bigger house. Mikey nugdes bigger house more kids he smiles. NOT GONNA HAPPEN MIK! Riley says I finaly look good and making realy good money. Come On Ril lets addopt then. Alright mik call Up the Agency. Little carry arrives Boy is she a hand full. it Takes Two Nannys to keep up with her! Melody is a chip of the old block she is a high achiever in school and it shows!Riley is so proud! Carrie Well UUH She kind of takes after her dad A slacker. With rileys Nagging he gets a top notch carreer in the Military. Riley realy tryes to reach carry Her Grades are in The Toilet and it does not look good!Mom!Give it Up Im Not Your Precious Melody! Im 14 now and I will do what I want !as she slams her door. What has Gottin into that girl Riley Turns Hot.Mik Talk to her she will listen to you.....

Clarity: 365 days said...

Tamossa - I loved your picture of Lestat! ( for those that missed it, click HERE) He's a handsome devil. It's even more interesting to view when you know the backstory. keep us posted. Thanks for letting us see a screen shot.

Sims Addiction - Cool story!. Thanks for sharing it! I loved the dialogue What happens next?

Anonymous - On the main screen, click the arrow pointing to the right. It will take you to the Vincent story. I missed it at first too.

Kristenna - Unfortunately, It might take a while for me to get Part 2 up because I just lent my Sims LifeStories DVD to my sister. She was dying to play it on her laptop. So I've been seperated from Riley but I'll get it back after a while. In the meantime, My sister bought me the new Sims Seasons and that's been keeping me busy. I just posted a new SEASONS story. If you want to read it and get an idea what the new expansion pack is like. CLICK HERE to see it.

It's definitely interesting just reading the comments section here and learning about other people's stories. Anyone else have any Riley stories, websites or screenshot images to share?

Tamossa said...

Here's a way to help you all out on photo taking since there is no camra to take shots with on this game. Pause your game and get what you want to take photo of on your screan and get close up if you need to. Then if you have Paint Shop Pro or some sort of image program that can capture your image on your screan. Try that. I know print screan didn't work for me. I had to use my Paint Shop Pro to capture the image and edit it and then host the pic for an URL. Hope this helps.

Tamossa said...

As the Sims' World Turns... Today I found out that if you don't take the peope with you when your beig asked, you might not get to have them live with you later... If they are not adults anyway. Teenagers can't make that decision. So... I played Keats' teen today.
Jacob Margison. It says his Father was having trouble with him keeping up his grades because he had his mind Riley's bestfriend. A crush if you will. Well when his Father just up and jet on him to marry another woman and raise a kid of thier own... It's didn't send a very good message t Jacob. Jacob started working hard on his grades at school and was soon making As. But he was mad at the world and a life of crime called to him at an early age. Reaching the top job goal as a teen he did. Confused on wether to please his Father or not. He finally came into his own as an adult and met a girl name Crystal Mellon. Remember her? Jimmy was trying to set Lestat and her up, so that when he became an adult, he'd be set. Well since Lestat won't age, he lost out. Jacob and her ended up getting married and she moved in with him and they now have one on the way. She's hopig to set Jacob straight. Question is, will she be able to? ...
Jacob's Father on the other hand... Star and him had their first baby girl named Karen. Keats can't wait to get Star pregnant again! Star's Father Jimmy isn't to thrilled his little girl married Keats and Keats knows it. But Jimmy doesn't say to much as long as his little girl is happy. I wonder what's next? ...

Tamossa said...

Copy and paste or wait for a link you can click on. But here is a pic of Star with her baby, Karen, =)

Anonymous said...

Very cool stories.
I am so anxious to get the sims seasons and life stories
i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

on which main screen clairy??

Anonymous said...

Mickey is one word s super JERK!~ He is such a hipocrit well its good riley is happy now I dont have the sims life stories but in the winter I cant wait to get thesims castaway stories!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Um hi every one i love your storys and i cant wait to read more,mostly claritys.

In my story Riley had twins,two girls,Kennedy and Kylie,i wanted Riley to have a hit-off with Dylan and it worked and they never got caught.And also in my version you can get high chairs.Anyway KK (the twins) are now kids so i want riley to have to more kids one when the other baby is a kid and KK are teens then when the third babys a teen then riley to have another baby if thats possible.

Tamossa said...

So anyway... Playing Star's household today... As you know, Star is married to Keats... Keats job/career is in the Science field. Well there aren't too many ways to die on this game or be killed, so we'll just say Keats died an adult in the field of his Science career. His tombstone rests at Star's home. Before he died, I told ya he couldn't wait to get Star pregnant again. Well he did. Star had another girl, named Kelly. But Star was finding life ruff. Poor, trying to be a cop, raising two girls alone, and losing her Hubby to a career mishap. She was just all kinds of messed up. One day a guy from her job came home with her and she and him had an affair. His name is Ethan Stardust. He happens to be already married to a girl name Mission and they have an adopted Daughter Allyn. After Star had the affair with Ethan, she got to feeling bad for his family and vowed never to see him again. Not knowing she was pregnant with his child. Some time later she had another Daughter and named her Tammy. Well Star's three Daughters and her are getting by and doing ok. Karen swears she's seen her Father's ghost a couple times, but no one believes her. Karen and Kelly are both teenagers and Tammy a child. Star has found a new guy she's been having her eye on everytime he comes to the house to fix things. Who knows, maybe she'll get lucky with this one the third time around..?? Stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

hey tamossa you should make a website for yourself so i can check it out oh and tamossa kkeep posting your stories

Tamossa said...

I post here and I also post it again on my MySpace. I left a link to my MySpace on a post before. Anyone is welcome to come there and see it. I have it under blogs. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

How the heck do I get to vincents story...I have completed Rileys but I can't find anyway to get o Vinces'!? Any help?

Anonymous said...

hey tamossa i went to check out your blog but they are not letting me through i just cant find it

L3W1S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
L3W1S said...

anonymous - to get vincents story u have to do about 3 days of rileys - which u hav done - then go on the main menu, where it says rileys story. but this time clik the arrows. eventually it will scroll across to a poicture of a helicopter, below this saying vincents story.

hope this helped

Anonymous said...

Erm...dearest sim lovers!!! guess i need some help here... It seems that i have lost my serial code for th game and cant install it at the moment...(cries) i realy would like to continue the story like u guys!!! Could anyone of y tell me how can i get the serial code again??? Thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

Tamossa here. You are prolly gonna have to buy another copy of the game. Each code goes with the disk it comes with. It's the only way. Sorry!

L3W1S said...

clarity how do you post pictures on here? because i want to post some on my blog but i don't know how.

Anonymous said...

hi, im having a problem getting to vincent's story, i saw the advice for that and it said that you have to click on the arrows and i did but all i have is riley's story, free play, and learn to play. is there something wrong with my disc?

Anonymous said...

One thing i would like to know is how can u make them have more than 4 people in the family cause i mean i know you can do that i just dont know how anyhelp here?

Anonymous said...

Well i would assume that something would be wrong with your disc then! gosh i mean i cant belive you cant play Vincent! i love to play with vincent one thing i cant do is make his wife pregnant i've tried many times but she wont get her lovely baby bump! lol

Anonymous said...

Hello? im the person who has posted the last 2 blogs! HELP!

L3W1S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I got the sims stories not to long ago and finished Vincent's story first because Riley's story is taking forever to finish.
Riley has already finished one career, got to the very top of it and got fired. Dylan is still hanging around. He won't leave. He keeps coming back and I've tried to get Riley to call Mickey and he's not speaking to her. How long does this part of her story last?

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sugar31 said...

Good job Clarity!
I would love to have my story go on but I do not know how. I always end at aunts house after they had their kid which was kind of a let down...
I have gone threw it three times and can not get it to change. How did you do it?
I do love playing the sims all of them.
Thank you
Kathie sugar31

Paul said...

after my riley story was over (and it takes a long time by the way-doesn't it?) you have to go to the "free-play" to go to riley's community, where you can move riley and mickey if you choose to do so. :-) hope that helps.
oh btw.. sugar.
you said you re-did it 3 times.. was the scenero different in all 3 tries? I mean.. I know she ends up with mickey.. but.. does she advance further in her career each time? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anybody here?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE All your stories now i need your help! how do i get it so i can have more than 4 people in the family? jw

Paul said...

The sims people won't let your sims have more than 3 babies. that's the limit. I was lucky when I played the game again, Riley had a daughter and then her second birth she had twins. After that they won't let Riley get pregnant again. I don't know if they're allowed to adopt. Haven't tried that. You might wanna give that a try.

Anonymous said...

that was a great story!!!
i loved it.
in my story riley has a boy named Mickey Jr. and mickey cheats on her but dylan gets married to ashely but mickey cheats on riley.

P.S. i cant wait to read the second part!!!

Unknown said...

OOh I really liked it! In my story, they had twins, a boy and a girl, and I named them Topanga and Alexei. Then Topanga had one baby, Charlie, and then she died. Alexei had two kids, Topher and Audrey...Audrey also died really early, I think she starved or something. But Topher just grew into an adult so we'll see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Wow that's a really great story. You should definetly make a whole lot more.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

great stories everyone, i know this is completely random but i just wanted to share:
I was playing the sims {the 1st one i believe, i cant remember] and my sister came in, she was three, and there were people walking down the block. You know how when they get to the end they just sorta... disappear? well she freaked out "its a ghost! its gonna get us!" and she ran out!

Oh that was funnay!!! well yea, i just got life stories so maybe i'll post my sims stories!


Anonymous said...

OMG I have NO IDEA how this happened, I played the same as every one else (Riley married Mickey, etc) and they had a baby - a girl who I named Savannah. She gets pregnant again and she had TWIN BOYS - and they are identical! I have been playing this game in "Free Play mode" forever (wasnt interested in the controlled story lines) and this is the *first* time I have been able to have three kids!! My twin boys names are Elijah and Jonah. The only game cheat I used was to force Mickey and Riley to change their aspiration because Mickey wanted to &*@% everyone he saw and Riley wanted more, more more stuff. They both have the family aspiration which is so much easier to manage. Does anyone know how Riley got the highlights?!?!

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